DPM Argenco 40HN
About The Product
As of 7/31/2020 Argen has discontinued this product. We recommend DPM Argenco 56 as an alternative.
DPM Argenco 40 HN offers a pale yellow color and is the most economical High Noble alloy. Gold alloys have proven to be the most reliable and biocompatible dental restorative material for centuries.
- 40% Gold, 20% Palladium, 20% Silver
- Available in the Digital Workflow
- Up to 6 Units
- Files must be submitted by 3:00 p.m. PST (6:00 p.m. EST)
- 2 Day Turnaround
Palladium prices are high. We recommend you buy DPM Argenco 56 instead of DPM Argenco 40HN in order to save money.